The Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste District
Greater Upper Valley Solid Waster District website
Trash Permits
You will need a trash sticker for your windshield to enter the Hartford Transfer/Recycling Center. Trash stickers are effective from July 1 thru June 30 of the current year. The charge is $30.00. If two stickers are purchased for the same household the second sticker is $15.00. Please call the Finance Office (436-2464) if you have any questions.
Trash Punch Cards
Fast Trash is held every Saturday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM at 50 Rt. 12, across the street from the Hartland Fire Station. Trash bags are accepted at $5.00 each and no-sort recycling is $1.00 per container (recycling-only is $1.00). No sticker is required to use Fast Trash. Food Scrap Bags are $3 small/$5 large which are available at the Fast Trash location. Cost of disposal is included in the bag price. You must use our bags to bring food scraps to our program. Small bills or exact change is encouraged. For additional information please visit their website
Lebanon Landfill
Lebanon Landfill permit information can be found at
Asbestos Handling and Disposal Information
Household Batteries
Household batteries can be dropped off at Damon Hall. A red plastic bucket is located at the top of the stairs at the front entrance of Town Hall.