Building in Hartland

Construction Permits

On August 02, 2021, the Hartland Selectboard adopted a Construction Permit Ordinance which went into effect on October 02, 2021.  The purpose of this ordinance is to inform the town of new building and construction projects.  This information helps the town in several critical ways, such as, it’s annual updates to the grand list, approval of highway access permits, activity in flood hazard areas, and the registration of addresses for 911 emergency response purposes. 

This Ordinance is adopted under the authority granted in 24 V.S.A.  §§2291(14) and (is) (Defining Public Nuisances);   19V.S.A§1111(Permitted Use of Right-of Way); 24 V.S.A. § 4424 (Flood Hazard Areas); 32 V.S.A. Chapter 129 (Tax Grand Lists); 30 V.S.A.Chapter 87 (Enhanced 911, Emergency Services); and 20 V.S.A. Ch. 1 (Emergency Management).This Ordinance shall constitute a civil ordinance within the meaning of 24 V.S.A.Chapter59.

Construction Permit Application

A property owner undertaking a construction project after the October 02, 2021 date, must fill out a Construction Permit Application.  The permit application and the ordinance in full can be accessed below.  The application may also be obtained in-person at The Finance Office in Damon Hall or at the Ordinance Administration Office upstairs in the Recreation Center.  A $10 fee is associated with the application.  Please note, there is an exemption for construction projects of 100 sq. ft. or less. 

Driveway Permit Information

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 43 of Title 19 of Vermont Statutes Annotated, an ordinance pertaining to the construction and layout of proposed new highways, driveways abutting on and having access to state and town highways and the Town policy on culverts is hereby adopted by the Selectpersons of the Town of Hartland this nineteenth day of April 1982.  The permit application can be accessed below.

Flood Plain Information - Do you need a State Permit?  

The State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation has helpful phone numbers and information about permit assistance, DEC permits, ACT 250 and much more.  Please read more here.

Hartland's Flood Hazard Area Regulations can be found here.

 E911 Information

The Vermont E 911 Numbering System is a standardized system in which every dwelling or other human occupied building in the state is assigned a unique 911 address for mailing and emergency response purposes.  This system is continually updated to reflect the construction of new buildings.  Additionally, readdressing of existing buildings may periodically occur in order for addressing in Hartland to meet state standards.

If you are constructing a new dwelling or any other human occupied building, please contact John Paulette at 802-436-7979, 

He will then measure for and assign a new address, informing residents, first responders, and the post office of this address.

State Building Permit - Division of Fire Safety

Independent of the towns planning and zoning requirements, the owner, or a designated representative, of a building or premises shall obtain a state construction permit before beginning any new construction, addition, alteration, modification, renovation, demolition, or installation of fixed building equipment within a public building as defined by state statute 20 V.S.A. § 2730 and the Vermont Fire and Building Safety code.  Public Building Definition - In its simplest terms, a public building can be defined as any building in the State of Vermont with the exception of single-family owner-occupied homes, registered home daycares, and some agricultural buildings.  IF YOU RENT IT (event for one night) - IT IS A PUBLIC BUILDING.


For further questions regarding any of these topics, please contact John Paulette at 802-436-7979,