Open Meetings Minutes

In Hartland, the minutes of public bodies are made available to the public in several places. This page exists to help interested citizens find the agendas an minutes relevant to their interests.

Vermont’s open meeting laws apply to all boards, councils and commissions of the state and its political sub-divisions (i.e. municipalities), including committees and subcommittees of these bodies. 1 V.S.A. § 310(3). This means the open meeting law governs meetings of selectboards, planning commissions, boards of civil authority, recreation commissions, municipal public library trustees, auditors, listers, etc., as well as any committee created by one of these public bodies.

Public bodies are required to take minutes. Minutes must at least include the names of all members of the public body present at the meeting, and other active participants, and all motions, proposals, and resolutions made, and their dispositions, and the results of any votes taken. 1 V.S.A § 312 (b)(1). Minutes are public records, which must be available for public inspection and copying after five days from the date of the meeting. Minutes also must be posted no later than five days from the date of the meeting to a website, if one exists, that the public body maintains or has designated as the official website of the body. 1 V.S.A § 312 (b)(2). Minutes are the permanent record of the formal actions of the public body and play an important role in recording the history of municipal business.

From 'A Guide to Open Meetings,' available here.


Town Meeting Minutes are available at the Clerk's Office in Damon Hall. 

Selectboard Meeting Minutes are available at the Clerk's Office in Damon Hall. Current year can be found here.

Hartland Public Library Trustees Minutes are available at the Hartland Public Library. Minutes from June of 2014 on can be found online here.

Hartland School Board Minutes prior to 2008 are available in the Clerk's Office at Damon Hall. Online are posted here. 

The Hartland School District is a member of the Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union, whose minutes are available online here. The minutes of the WSESU Act 46 Study Committee can be found here.

Hartland Planning Commission Minutes are available in the Clerk's Office in Damon Hall. Current year can be found here.

Hartland Conservation Commission Minutes are available in the Clerk's Office in Damon Hall. Current year can be found here.

Hartland Cemetery Advisory Committee Minutes are available in the Clerk's Office in Damon Hall. 



Hartland Public Safety Committee (circa 1990) can be found in the Clerk's Office.

Foster Meadow Committee (circa 1994) can be found in the Clerk's Office.

Hartland Ancient Roads Committee (circa 2008) can be found in the Clerk's Office.

21 Route 12 House Committee (circa 2017) can be found at the Clerk's Office. Minutes of the 21 Route 12 House Committee are also available online here.