
Hartland Conservation Commission Goals 2023

Ongoing Activities.

Present annual Conservation Award at Town Meeting (March).

Host booth at Old Home Days, with educational brochures and information (July).

Co-coordinate Green-Up Day (May).

Conduct annual water quality/temperature testing on Lull's Brook watershed, extending data record since 2005 (Summer).

Participate in clean-ups at Sumner Falls, in May for Green Up Day and in September as part of the Connecticut River Waterway Source to Sea event


Organize a community walk in the 17 Acre Wood, once accessible path is complete.

Organize public educational events about amphibian migration.

         Recruit volunteers for Crossing Guards on Big Night.

         Create inventory map of town sites with numerous migrating amphibians. Disseminate information on combating invasive species.

Coordinate with Kerry Gawalt and Stephen Leslie at Cedar Mountain Farm for an educational walk, highlighting conservation practices & native plants.

Organize a Birding By Ear training, with follow-up demonstration bird walk.

Organize a Bioblitz event on one or more town properties.

Public Policy

Continue road surveys of ash trees, including village centers, and town rights-of-way.

Update town's emerald ash borer (EAB) response plan. 

Initiate assessment of Shepherd Brook, near entrance of Sumner Falls, as local portion of Basin 10 Plan.  Create inventory of vertebrates and invertebrates, add site to summer water testing, and generate statement of its aquatic health.

Participate in the Hartland Planning Commission’s Town Survey, to gauge the public’s sentiment regarding conservation-related efforts in Hartland.

Coordinate with Road Crew regarding conservation issues that may be affected by climate change, and where road maintenance strategies impact wildlife.

Public and Protected Lands

Continue to implement the management plan for Sumner Falls.

Develop master plan for the 17-Acre Wood, in cooperation with Hartland Elementary School.

Prepare a management plan for the Jenne Town Forest.

Consider creating an umbrella park management plan for all Hartland public lands.        

Update and expand guide to Hartland town lands:

  • Draft a comprehensive map, suitable for online and printable form.
  • Identify features of interest, allowed uses, history of the properties.
  • Consider adding publicly accessed trails that are not part of town properties.
  • Coordinate with organizations that maintain trails or restrict to members.