Entertainment & Activities
Hartland Community Arts. Series of concerts and other presentations in Damon Hall; Hartland Community Chorus annual Holiday concert (December) http://hartlandcommunityarts.org/
Hartland Historical Society. Information on activities - www.hartlandhistory.org
Hartland Library, 153, US Route 5. Games for seniors; movies for seniors; Friday evening film series; book discussions; Socrates Café – discussion group; knitting group; bridge group; creative Saturdays; State of the World Film Series. Information - http://www.hartlandlibraryvt.org/
Hartland Nature Club. Usually has a program once a month May – October.
Hartland Recreation Center. www.hartlandrecreation.com
Bugbee Senior Center https://www.bugbeecenter.org/
Stoughton House, Windsor. Senior activities and entertainment open to the public. 674-6733
Thompson Senior Center https://www.thompsonseniorcenter.org/
Windsor Recreation Center. http://www.windsorvt.org/recreation-department/