Damon Hall Signboard Policies
The signboard at the Three Corners intersection outside of Damon Hall is available for use by Hartland-based non-profit organizations to announce special events, political events that are occurring at Damon Hall only, or any Hartland-affiliated event. Events at Damon Hall have priority over other events.
Space is allotted on a first-come, first-served basis. Organizations must provide the following information: (1) Organization name; (2) Name of contact person; (3) phone number and/or email address of contact person; and (4) date and time of the event. If you would like us to promote the event on the town calendar, let us know that as well.
People wishing to use the signboard can come into the office or email the Town Clerk hartlandtownclerk@hartlandvt.org
Damon Hall Staff can provide 2' x 3' poster board. Please bring your sign into our offices. Damon Hall Staff will put up and remove the sign, which can be picked up after the sign is removed.