Hartland School District
The Hartland School District serves the children of Hartland, Vermont by operating a K-8 school in town and tuitioning students in grades 9-12 to the high school of their choice.
Hartland Elementary School (HES)
HES website: https://hes.wsesu.net/
View the HES on Facebook.
Hartland Elementary School (HES) is located on the Martinsville Road off Route 5 in Hartland Three Corners. The school's current enrollment is approximately 250 students. The school includes 27 classrooms, a library, a music and band room, a kitchen, a large multi-purpose room (including a stage and facilities for indoor athletic activities), and offices on a seventeen-acre site that also contains athletic fields, playgrounds, parking, and outdoor classroom spaces.
More information and contact numbers for the school can be found here
High School Tuitioning
Currently, Hartland students in grades 9 through 12 may attend any public high school in Vermont or in a contiguous state with full tuition paid from tax revenue up to the statewide average by the Town of Hartland.
Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union
Hartland is one of the four towns that make up the Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union. Currently, all four towns are engaged in following Act 46, legislation that encourages school districts to unify existing disparate governance structures into sustainable systems of education delivery that are designed to meet identified State goals while recognizing and reflecting local priorities.
More information about the Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union can be found here.